Monday, July 14, 2014

Girl What Is Wrong With You?

Why do chicks think taking your man to the strip club is the thing to do?? You in the club next to him looking stupid, helping him make it rain on chicks with money that belongs in your pocket, and not falling down upon random women popping their ass and other assets for his pleasure. The only ass and tits that your man should be interested in is yours, I'm sorry. Call me old fashioned if you want, but I believe in taking my man to the mall, movies, dinner, beach, things like that, not to a strip club filled with naked women. It's not cute, and it's definitely not smart. That same stripper that you're taking him to see will be that same stripper that he goes back for the next night with the right amount of cash to get from her what he should only be getting from you. You're clearly setting yourself up for failure. If taking him to a strip club is something that you do because you feel that's the only way you'll be able to keep him, then baby you don't need him. Him going behind your back without your knowledge is one thing, but you helping him disrespect you?...... No! When a guy goes to a strip club, he's basically saying, "hey baby, I know I got you at home.... and that's all good.... but you ain't enough! " "you don't do it for me".... I need more! And if that's the case, then you need to let his ass be one with the strippers, and find yourself somebody who you will be enough for.

Man Stop Playin' And Take Care of Your Damn Kids!

So let's see. You've got yourself a new iPhone, fresh J's on your feet, new rims on the whip, and tricking off money on random women, but yet, you're behind in child support. It's something wrong with this picture. Fellas, how can you call yourself a man, and you have kids out there in the world that you're not taking care of. Some of you stay less than 15 minutes away from your kids and haven't seen them since Ricky got his ass popped in Boyz N The Hood! How can you look at yourself in the mirror knowing that there's somebody out there with your blood running through their veins and their suffering because you're a Bitch! Man up. Stop being a coward and take care of your responsibilities. Stop using the excuse that your father was never around. If anything that should motivate you to be there for your kids. Stop using the excuse that you don't want your baby mama to have the money. Stop saying, "oh we ain't together no more" cause it doesn't matter. Newsflash my brother, ....THOSE ARE STILL YOUR KIDS! If your baby mama ratchet, that ain't nobody's fault but yours cause you picked her.  It doesn't matter if the two of you don't get along, you're still legally responsible for your kids, and even if there weren't any laws, as a man, there should be nothing or no one that can come between you taking care of your kids. The state shouldn't have to track you down and garnish your wages. No one should have to call you, or come find you to get you to spend time with your kids. When you go to the footlocker, make sure you grab a pair of shoes for your kids. The next time you're on your way to hang out with your boys or some chick you met at the club, bust a u-turn and go see your kids. When you decide to take a trip to the barber shop, go scoop up your son and get him faded up too, or take your daughter to ride her bike in the park or something. Stop thinking about yourself, and start thinking about your kids before they end up either in jail, or on somebody's pole twerking in the G-String that her pimp bought her!

Be You & Do You!

Sometimes being yourself is very hard to do when you have others waiting to judge you. Often times we lose ourselves trying to be what others want us to be, and this is very unfortunate because we all are wonderful in our own right, but at some point in our lives, we have allowed someone or something to define who and what we are. I think the solution to this problem is to start loving who you are, accepting who you are, and caring less about what others think of you, and more about what you think of yourself, because at the end of the day, your opinion of yourself is all that really matters. As I enter into this world of blogging, I want to be able to share myself with you guys. Some of you will like me, some of you may not, and that's fine, you can't please everybody, all I can do is give you Sam. A single black mother originally from the west side of Chicago raising two boys the best I know how so that they will one day become two great men and not two more statistics in a world that can be unkind or has determined their worth because of what color they are. I'm a young woman who could have easily ended up on the streets, on drugs, on somebody's pole, or on somebody's corner selling crack or myself, but because I had the guidance of two great parents who raised me and prayed for me everyday, (my Ma, and my Grandma) I'm ok. I'm not perfect but then again who is? If I can't help you I won't hurt you. If you need something and I got it, more likely than not I'll try to help you. I can make you laugh, I can make you cry, I can make you want to beat my ass. I curse, I'm terrible with time, I'm very silly, I love to eat, and from my long ass posts, you will be able to figure out that I love to write. Writing is how I've always expressed myself. I thank God for this gift. I'm a woman who's been lied to, cheated on, as a kid made to feel not good enough because of my dark skin, struggled with different insecurities, and then some. All of these things can bring upon many emotions so writing can definitely be very therapeutic. I have seen, heard, and witnessed a lot, therefore I can speak on many things. In my posts to come, I'll touch on relationship issues, racism, parenting, cooking, reality tv, men, what's going on in Chicago, education, and much more. I look forward to blogging and I welcome all of you guys comments. Thanks.